Fil Doux Textiles partnered with Elodie to design a timeless collection, Brooklyn Bound, consisting of woven classics with a fresh spin and an eye-catching digital print. Their collaboration signifies the company’s beautiful, high performance mill-direct mission and shared love of Brooklyn, the New York borough in which both they and Blanchard are headquartered.

Carroll Gardens: This clean basket weave has an unexpected blend; a cotton matte black or grey warp is interlaced with a metallic weft for glimmering dimensionality. The numerous color combinations create a beautiful go-to for any design, including a broad range of neutrals and bright electric shades. Available in eighteen colors.


Park Slope -  A twill weave with varying yarns gives Park Slope an authentically organic look and feel. Consisting of two to three yarn combinations, this pattern is flexible in its quiet elegance yet has modern textural sophistication. Available in twenty seven colors..

Fort Greene -  The most textural pattern in this collection, Fort Greene has a thin warp united with a thicker, elegant bouclé yarn. A structured and luxurious hand makes for a fascinating textilethat will complement any design. Available in thirty colors.

Prospect Heights - Achieved by layering fun, organic shapes in different sizes and opacities, Prospect Heights is a pattern with a youthful appeal. This joyful, mid-scale digital printed pattern is easily balanced between sophistication and the whimsical. Available in eight colors.